diving Courses




Se sei a beginner or a under esperto

with MAX SHARK you can

attend courses with the issue of international patent PADI. From the base to the Divemaster, the specialization of underwater photographer to that of peak performance buoyancy, of sub notturno a video operatore.

All courses They are available for adults and children and held byprofessional instructors.

The PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) born in the United States in 1966 and is the most widespread in the world. In Italia i patented are approximately 30.000 every year, with certifications recognized worldwide.

PADI offers patents at all levels, those for children (from 8 age) up to that of instructor, not to mention the countless specialty courses; è l’ only association to have diving centers in 5 location.

The objectives of Max Shark:

  • safety

  • professionalism

  • sympathy

    Partecipa and enthusiastic resterai… the only regret you'll have is that you have not started before…

Most popular diving courses

For beginners

The Baptism dethe sea it is a fantastic experience, the first breaths underwater they will be unforgettable. The colorful aquatic life of the island of Giglio waiting for you: after a theoretical lesson with a personal instructor, you will become familiar with *the self-contained breathing apparatus on the surface, subsequently you will discover the underwater world at a maximum depth of 6 meters. The instructor will take you in tandem, you just have to relax and have fun!

*Self-contained breathing apparatus: cylinder, dispensers, variable trim jacket

*Duration, 1 not

*Minimum age 8 age

*Maximum depth 6 meters 

Bubble Maker : The program is as fun as its name suggests: gives children the opportunity to have fun with the first diving bubbles. Possibility also to organize a party or celebrate a birthday, with friends and family, with a memorable and exciting event Bubblemaker. After a short theoretical lesson, the child will dive with a personal instructor to a maximum depth of two meters. 

*Duration: half day

*Minimum age 8 age

*Maximum depth 2 meters 

Discover Scuba Diving PADI: have you ever wondered what you try to dive? If you want to try diving, the Discover Scuba Diving PADI program it is exceptional, He was born on 1990 and it has been copied from all the other didactics in the world, afterwards, if you decide to enroll in the PADI FS Open Water Diver course, or the PADI Scuba Diver course, or the PADI Open Water Diver course anywhere else in the world, you will have a discount.

*Duration: half day

*Minimum age 10 age

*Maximum depth 12 meters 

FS Open Water Diver PADI: start the PADI Open Water Diver course, doing the first theory lesson, the first immersion in confined water, the first dive in open water, is a great choice to start with immerse yourself and have discounts when you decide to enroll in the course Scuba Diver PADI or to the course Open Water Diver PADI anywhere else in the world.

*Duration: a day

*Minimum age 10 age

*Maximum depth 12 meters 

Scuba Diver & Junior Scuba Diver PADI: if you want to become a certified diver but you have little time available, this is the international patent which will allow you to practice this fantastic sport under the supervision of a PADI professional up to 12 meters deep. You will be able to integrate in the future the latest lessons and dives to get the international patent Open Water Diver PADI.

*Duration, 1 – 3 days

*Minimum age 10 age

*Maximum depth 12 meters 

Open Water Diver & Junior Open Water Diver PADI: the international patent most famous in the world, which has allowed millions of people to become autonomous divers up to 18 meters deep. 

*Duration, 4 – 5 days

*Minimum age 10 age

*Maximum depth: adults 18 meters, children 12 meters

PADI beginner diving courses include:

Manual PADI,

Theoretical lessons,

Confined water diving, 

Open water diving,

Use of all diving equipment for the entire duration of the course,

Issue of international PADI patent

PADI sub-advanced courses

Adventure Diver & Junior Adventure Diver PADI: if you want to have more fun doing 3 Diving different as well as learning new techniques but you have little time, this is the ideal advanced course. You will be able to integrate the latest ones in the future 2 Diving to get the patent international Advanced Open Water Diver PADI.

*Duration, 1 – 3 days

*Minimum age 10 age

*Maximum depth: adults 18 – 30 meters, children 12 – 21 meters

Advanced Open Water Diver & Junior Advanced Open Water Diver PADI: if you want to have more fun doing 5 Diving different as well as learning new techniques,  this is the ideal advanced course. 

*Duration, 2 – 5 days

*Minimum age 12 age

*Maximum depth: adults 30 meters, children 18 – 21 meters

Deep Diver PADI: deep diving course to be able to have a greater field of exploration, enables you to maximum depth of recreational diving.

*Duration, 2 – 4 days

*Minimum age 15 age

*Maximum depth 40 meters

The sub-advanced PADI courses include: 

Manual PADI,

Theoretical lessons,

Open water diving,

Issue of international PADI patent

 Choose your professionalism, the safety and experience
2024 – Massimiliano Marsalli diving instructor from 33 age

A video/foto operatore will resume on demand during the course in beautiful waters of the island of Giglio.


Souvenir OF NON lose !