Diving Isola del Giglio


EPIPHANY missed the bridge offer

3 days - 2 nights - 2 prices - 4 diving € 200

with 6 diving € 250

4 days - 3 nights - 3 prices - 4 diving € 240

with 6 diving € 290


Offer valid while stock seats

Contact us now and come to enjoy the peace and tranquility that we reserve our island

Max Shark
Via Oreglia, 3 – 58012 Giglio Porto - Isola Del Giglio (GR) Italy
Website: www.divingisoladelgiglio.net - E-mail: massimiliano.marsalli@gmail.com
+39 329 80 22 737 | +39 349 350 99 99
P.IVA: 02428590463 - C.F.: MRS MSM 67L15E715C - REA: GR-138089

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